Hey all, On the 7th of December we are holding the DCUTv screening of programmes that have been made so far. This will be held in the new bar and after wards will head into the Voodoo lounge in town where there will be free music and a potential free drink as you get in the door! We will probable have a bus from DCU to the voodoo lounge arranged also so as to remove as much stress from your lives as possible!! This is always a great night and the more the merrier.
As regards programmes; we have some stuff already such as a documentary that was made on the Tall ships race, one that was made in Cambodia another in Africa and various others which were done this year. It is not too late to get cracking on one now and if you go film it as soon as possible and need help editing myself, Nigel or Gillian will try to accomodate you. It's important to just take a chance on an idea you have and see what you can make out of it, if it goes pear shaped at least you can learn from it. It is also very rewarding to see a finished product on the screen when tis done. So any idea you have I don't care what it is, get in touch with me and I'll help sort out a crew for you or if you have one yourself all the better. I have an interview with Gianna Jessen the abortion survivor on Tuesday morning at 10 oclock if anyone is interested in helping with the questions or filming let me know and you can come along, I know its a bit heavy but she is also doing interviews with TV3 and BBC so it's great that we can get her as well, Right well get ready for the big night out and e-mail me Nigel or Gillian with any ideas you have, Have a nice weekend,
Rachel O'Brien DCUTV Station Manager School of Communications www.mediaproductionsociety.tk
Art Society Chair www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~artsoc/