Hi Gary,

+Jim/Max, if there's interest from others would it be possible to make a mashup on Kattis for the "official" warmup?

I don't think we have the manpower required to run a warmup on the real infrastructure this year. I had to step out of most of the judging for this year (a one-off) so it really is Jim doing all the work (in addition to his actual job).


On 16 October 2018 at 01:48, Gary Conway <gary.conway@dcu.ie> wrote:

Any news on a practice competition?



On 15/10/2018 16:34, UKIE PC wrote:
Hi all,

An update from me - on 1) current TODOs, 2) Schedule for the day, 3) communication

1) Registration deadline is end of Wed 17th October. This is important for allowing the systems team to be ready in time for the contest. We currently have 37 PENDING and 57 ACCEPTed. Expected to rise quickly over the next few days.

a) encourage all students to register by end of wednesday!
b) advertise advertise advertise advertise
c) ACCEPT teams if you havent already on http://icpc.baylor.edu - site hosts should have access to do this. 
d) IMPORTANT - by end of 17th - create 1-3 spare accounts, for if you expect random disorganised students to turn up without having registered (and you want to be able to accommodate them, rather than send them away).

2) On the Day - Recommended + Planned Schedule

- 9am - I recommend arriving to set up: make sure problem sets have been printed and put in envelopes (responsible site person only), and printing out usernames/password for contest server (both to be provided on/around ~19th Oct to Responsible site host). optionally prepare some balloons, etc. Definitely check that you can broadcast a youtube video, with sound, on the projector in the room - or on a TV that students can cluster around.
- 10am - Recommend students begin to arrive at your site - optionally provide breakfast/coffee etc
- 10:30am - Get teams into a lab, logged into a machine, and logged into contest server
- 10:45am - Introduction broadcast on youtube
- 10:55am - make sure all people are only 1 computer per team, no phones etc (all in bags). reiterate to them about not using the web
- 11am - Contest expected start
- 4pm - Contest expected end
- 4-4:30pm - Results broadcast (after 5-10 minutes) on youtube - recommended time for pizza if you are providing this. We may also provide a video explaining the way to solve each of the problems (TBC).

3) Communication on the day
a) this year, we will use Slack for communication during the contest, as it allows for multiple sub-communication channels to co-exist in parallel, and we hope this will resolve some of the communication challenges experienced with google hangouts in the past.
 - All organisers (not just the key responsible site hosts) should join the following slack workspace as soon as possible.
 - https://join.slack.com/t/ukiepcorganisers/shared_invite/enQtNDU2NjYwMjY5NjA1LTUyZjBiNTAzYzczMDUxMTZhNWM0ZWVhNjk2ZTc4MTE2NjVkZWQyNGZiMjMxODZhZGE3YThmNWM4MWFkYjk5YzI
 - Please edit your display name (in profile) to include your university name, so that we can easily find/message you if we need to.

b) We will be optionally broadcasting webcam views of the different locations on a google hangouts live. If you wish to do this, please be prepared to bring a webcam and connect to that (more information later this week). There'll be an easy link to join for this.

c) We plan to email the problemset to responsible site hosts only. We typically expect people to print one copy per team expected, and place them inside a sealed envelope, and distribute them as near to the 11am start as possible. They shouldnt be opened by any team before the 11am start. 

Thats all for now, that I can remember.



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