Hey all,
It's a busy week with the Console Lan, the EGM, Dawn of War tournament and Itzacon, it's nearly too much awesome to handle.
So the events for this week are: - Consoles LAN | Saturday 8pm - Sunday 8am | Xtreme Gamer, Dublin City. - EGM | Wednesday 3pm | X101, Science Building - Dawn of War Tournament | Thursday 6-10pm | C204, Henry Grattan Building - Traditional Gaming | Monday 6-10pm | C167, Henry Grattan Building - Console Gaming | Wednesday 2-6pm | X101, Science Building - Traditional Gaming | Wednesday 6-10pm | C166, Henry Grattan Building - Lab Gaming | Thursday 6-10pm | C204, Henry Grattan Building
So as we mentioned last week our EGM to elect a new Extraordinary Member will take place this Wednesday 7th March at 3pm in X101. This will briefly interrupt Console Gaming, but it's important so I know you'll understand. Come along to run or vote, we'll also compensate you for lost console gaming time by buying you pizza!
Consoles LAN
Console LAN is next weekend guys! It will cost €10 and will run from 8pm Saturday the 10th to 8am Sunday the 11th. As mentioned last week there will be awesome tourneys like MW3, and Street Fighter X Tekken. However as Xtreme Gamer has limited copies of these games, it would really help the tournaments go smoothly if you could also bring your own copies of these games. There will also be PC's available for use throughout the night and if you wish to bring your own consoles or games, feel free to do so.
We must know numbers beforehand so if you intend to go, signup for this event on the following page: http://games.dcu.ie/#event16
Dawn of War Tournament
This week will see a Dawn of War tournament at lab gaming! Entry will be a measly €2 and we'll have prizes! Signups will be from 6pm and the tournament will start at 7pm So conquer one conquer all.
That's all for this week hope you have a good one!
See y'all later, Craig Gavagan Mac Entee DCU Games Soc http://games.dcu.ie