Hey folks,
As some of you may know next week is Arts Week and Games Soc are getting stuck in!
Tonight we, in association with Film Soc, are holding our Movies, Games and Videos night in the NuBar from 7pm. Film Soc will be screening the cult game "classic" - Mortal Kombat, along with the Bond movie that relaunched the entire series, along with Pierce Brosnan's career, Goldeneye. Meanwhile, on various other screens around the Bar, we'll be running the Mortal Kombat and Goldeneye console games, for a real all round experience! On top of all this we'll also have copies of the films to give away for both the avid console gamers and movie viewers alike. Oh and don't forget to visit our popcorn maker for fresh free popcorn, tasty!
Tuesday sees us host the pre-launch promo College Tour for Buzz: The Sports Quiz on campus. Well be in the main Hub area from 12-6pm during the day and then in the NuBar from 7-10pm. Join us during the day to win copies of the game and get some cool merchandise or pop in that evening for a chance to win a Playstation 2 and copies of the game. Therell also be goodie bags for everyone who gets involved so come along and join in with the Buzz! Hey folks,
Then on Wednesday, we'll be running our very first Console DAY! As part of our activities we'll have console stations setup all over the Hub and upstairs in the Venue featuring the likes of Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, Mario Kart and Halo 2. The day will also mark the arrival of our XBox 360 which will have the likes of Pro Evolution 6 and Dead Or Alive 4 so pop in anytime between 12 and 6 for some fun!
We'll also be hosting ANOTHER pre-launch promo event, this time for Need For Speed: Carbon on the Xbox 360. This will be running in the NuBar throughout the day and there'll be merchandise, tournaments and prizes up for grabs so pop in and try out the newest entry in this award winning series!
Finally on Thursday we'll be running our weekly Lab Gaming session. As many of you know we're been having some network problems recently in C206 so in order to get around those we've decided to move labs. The event will now take place in C204 down the hall. The event will also feature some of new games including the fantastic Call Of Duty so call in between 6 and 10 for some fun!
*phew* So anyway as you can see we'll be pretty busy so keep on eye on the site and forums at http://games.dcu.ie for all the up-to-date details and we'll hopefully see you around during the week!
Regards, Simon Kilroy
Chair DCU Games Society