Hey all, week 10 and I guess the assignments are piling up now. To take your mind off it, we have lots going on this week.
This weeks events:
- Trad Gaming | Monday 6-10pm | C165, Henry Grattan Building - Resident Evil Showing | Tuesday 7pm | C104, Henry Grattan Building - MarioKart Wii Tournament and Console Gaming | Wednesday 2-6pm | XG14, Science Building - Trad Gaming | Wednesday 6-10pm | XG14, Science Building - Lab Gaming | Thursday 6-10pm | CG04, Henry Grattan Building
- Christmas Party | Location and Date to be confirmed
So it's getting to that times again folks, the annual christmas party! We'll be organising this with the lovely folks over at RedBrick as usual, so it promises to be good craic. Details aren't completely set in stone so we'll keep you informed
- MarioKart Wii Tournament and Console Gaming | Wednesday 2-6pm | XG14, Science Building
Because your committee loves you, Console Gaming is making a triumphant return this Wednesday in XG14, and to celebrate, our MarioKart Tournament will be this week, and even better? It's free! Signups will be from 2pm and the tournament will start at 3pm, there will also be prizes.
- Resident Evil Showing | Tuesday 7pm | C104, Henry Grattan Building
This Tuesday we'll be showing the first Resident Evil film in C104 at 7pm, come along and lets indulge in the zombie apocalypse.
- Risk League
if by any chance you and your friends have been arguing over which one of you is most likely to succeed in taking over the world then let us help you answer that question
Next semester we will be holding a risk tournament in which you will fight weekly to take over parts of the world and by the end someone will be named king/master/emperor of the world ( or what ever your preferred title is ) so let us know if your interested as it will start early next semester
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an assignment to do, see you at the events.
Regards, Craig Gavagan Mac Entee DCU Games Society http://games.dcu.ie