Here are the results of this year's AGM.
There were 2 ammendments to the constitution: - Add the position of Ordindary Member to the committee. - Add the position of Console Ents to the committee and split up Ents into PC Ents and Console Ents There were no objections.
The following committee positions were elected: Chair: Dermot Ryan (hix) Secretary: Simon Kilroy (Rampage) Treasurer: Robert Cooke (cooker3) Webmaster: Daniel Doyle (calyx) PRO: John Doyle (Art_Wolf) PC Ents: Stephen Courtney (steoc4) Ordinary Member: David Connolly (Zyox) There was no-one elected to fill the Console Ents position. This is still available. Applications on a postcard. There were no objections.
Fantastic 5min AGM, thanks for the turnout All hail new committee members.
- David Connolly Chairperson, DCU Games Soc (well, I am for a bit more anyway :P)