Hello all,
Apologies for the later than usual announce email, things were thrown a little out of sync by the LAN. Speaking of which, it was a success! A thank you to all those who showed up and participated.
There isn't much going on this week, spending most of the time trying to reset sleep cycles to reasonable hours.
-Christmas Party -Regular Events
-Christmas Party- GamesSoc are holding a Christmas party in collaboration with Airsoft, Artsoc, Booksoc, RedBrick and Strange Things on Thursday the 3rd of December in the Slipper (that place beside Eurospar opposite the Ballymun Road entrance to DCU).
We'll be setting up consoles of some form on the night, so be sure to head in and join us on the night and get in the festive spirit! Or something along those lines.
There will be drink promotions on the night also.
Here is a facefriend link thingy for those of you with friendbook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=179138907943&index=1 Very web 2.0 \o/
-Regular Events-
Monday: Moving swiftly on >_> Tuesday: Unfortunately Game Programming Tutorials have been cancelled for the rest of this Semester due to poor turn out. We will hopefully be revamping them early next Semester from the beginning for those of you who missed it originally.
However Blinky night is still going strong! So be sure to log in from around 7-8pm and join us on our gaming server from the comfort of your very own home. (More about Blinky here: http://games.dcu.ie/forums/index.php?board=12.0)
Wednesday: Console Gaming as per usual in the Old Bar in the Hub from 2pm - 6pm. Followed by Traditional Gaming in CG19 (the Henry Grattan)
Thursday: Lab Gaming wraps up the week in C204 (also the Henry Grattan) from 6pm until closing!
That's about it for this week folks, as usual all comments, complaints, ideas and so forth to games@redbrick.dcu.ie
Have a good week, Seamus