Week 7: Mario Brothers movie, Free console tourneys, and RPGs
Hi guys, reading week is a quiet one for some but not for us here at Gamessoc as we have a whole range of Events for you this week to enjoy the week :).
*EGM and Wildcard Night*
Thanks to those who showed up to the EGM. The new positions are now in our Constitution and we will be voting people into the positions of Ordinary Member, Community Manager and Secretary in week 8.
We also have a special event this week. Our second Wildcard night of the year!! Inside C124 on Thursday 6pm-10pm we will be showing art in its truest form. The Mario Brothers movie. If you haven't seen this you are in for a treat.
Don't forget to hand up money for Dublin Games fest(€10 for regular tickets and €15 for E-sports tickets) and the deposit for hoodies(€10). *Console Gaming*
Console Gaming is on Wednesday from 1pm-5pm in XG01 this week. This will include a gauntlet of tournaments featuring Tekken 7 and Halo which will be free of charge so no prize but there will be some King Of Gamessoc points on offer for 1s, 2nd, and 3rd. *Tabletop Gaming*
Tabletop is also back in XG01 this week on Monday and Wednesday from 5 pm - 10 pm. Bringing all your favorite games, however, if that isn't scratching your tabletop itch, Daniel Christie will be hosting a group for a zombie-themed RPG. If you're interested please get in touch with him by the end of this week. *PC Gaming*
Join us for PC Gaming on discord! (Link below) Discord nights will be 8 pm Friday and Saturday for all your favorite games like Rocket League, Trouble in Terrorist Town and Civilisation V.
ConorGamesSoc Secretary
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