Oh hello,
This week we have quite a lot in store, so without further adieu, here's a nice bulletpoint list:
-Brawl Tournament -Gaelcon -Cinema Trip -Hoodies -Regular Events
-Brawl Tournament- This Wednesday at 2pm in the old bar, GamesSoc hosts our very first tournament of the year: Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Signups will take place on the day, so be sure to arrive on time or else you might miss out on the chance to win one of our fabulous prizes! Entry fee is only €2, so even if you've never played before it's worth signing up anyway.
-Gaelcon- This weekend is also the 21st annual Gaelcon. What is Gaelcon you might ask? Well: Gaelcon is a gathering of gamers, who all come together in a certain place at a certain time for the same reason; to play games and have fun. This is a tradition, which has been on going for the last 20 years. Each October bank holiday weekend for 3 days the convention opens to provide a place were dice are rolled, cards are played, imaginations run riot, old friendships are renewed and new ones forged. Gaelcon welcomes anyone who wants to come and play and there is a large range of games from scheduled events to casual pick up and play games running all weekend.
Blurb shamelessly stolen from their website. (http://www.gaelcon.com/) So if you're a member of our fine Games Society and you will be attending Gaelcon and would like the price of your ticket refunded to you then send us an e-mail at games@redbrick.dcu.ie
-Cinema Trip- If you've already read the allsoc e-mail then you'll already know about this: We're also planning a cinema trip during Halloween week (week 5) to see Zombieland with the Film Society to fit the theme of the week. So if you're interested send a mail to us at games@redbrick.dcu.ie and we'll reserve a place for you.
-Hoodies- So you think you need to join style soc to be all trendy? Well, you do(*). But we are making another order for a batch of hoodies that you have seen some of our older members wearing. We're just gauging interest at this point, but the hoodies will most likely be available in a variety of colours and be in the price range of €30-40. So once again that e-mail address is games@redbrick.dcu.ie :)
-Regular Events- All our regular events are ongoing as usual:
Traditional Gaming: This week traditional gaming will still be on from 6pm on Monday and Wednesday in CG19, so be sure to come along and get your fill of board/card/war/rpg gaming.
Game Programming: If you missed last weeks tutorial, fret not, as it was only the first of many. So be sure to come along this Tuesday from 5-6pm in L101 (that's the computing building) where our webmaster Tom will be teaching you all the basics you'll need to program your own games. Non-computing students can also come along as guest log-ins will be provided.
Blinky Night: Every Tuesday we also hold Blinky night, which means we all get together online on our gaming server for an evening of fun. We usually start somewhere between 7-8pm. More information about Blinky can be found here: http://games.dcu.ie/forums/index.php?board=12.0 You can also join our steam community here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamessoc
Console Gaming: Console gaming is continuing on as per usual despite the tournament, so if you're not too interested in playing Brawl then you can just rock out with Rock Band, play a few games of Halo or any of our other games.
Lab Gaming: Last weeks lab gaming was a huge success with the lab at almost maximum capacity. So if you want a spot this week but sure to arrive on time. It starts from 6pm in Henry Grattan building, room C204 (that's the top floor) for a night of fun.
Phew. I think that's everything.
As usual, if you have any suggestions, questions or complaints feel free to e-mail us (I think I mentioned the address once or twice already)
Thanks, Seamus
*May or may not be true.