An opportunity has arisen to film a short play called 'The Proposal' down at St Pats College this coming saturday, the 22nd. It is great fun filming drama, and a good experience for people interested in doing camera work. If anyone already has a bit of experience doing camera and are interested in doing this give me a shout quickly. I'll be kicking about to help out before running off to see GangStarr, Guru + DJ Premier at the redbox.
My Lecturer in my old college where I did television produciton used to own his own production company, and filmed loads and loads of shows in the many theatres in and around Edinburgh. He basically made a living out of this, although his company did eventually go bankrupt! It's the sort of thing that you can make some money at in the future, filming the odd show for people.
Anyway, email if you're interested,
Webs Ite: Mo Bile : 0871 32 32 33