Hey people,
As you know by now MPS are having their Christmas shin dig this Thursday...9th December.
Just a few changes to the running of the night....
It kicks off in THE VENUE at 8pm with FREE WINE and screenings of work done so far this year, including the premiere of "DCU's Dingiest House", starring Alan Flannigan, as a smelly student contestant. Don't miss it.
It doesn't cost anything to go to the screenings so come along and give your support...and get yourself some wine.
The night then continues in Voodoo Lounge at 10pm, where we have a band...DCU's infamous "FUNK YO MAMA", presented by the Ecclectic Music Soc. The DJ will then take over for the rest of the night and keep ye boppin along til the wee hours of the morning (aka 3am).
Tickets will go on sale tomorrow...thats Tuesday 7th...in the Hub from 1-3pm. They are on sale Wednesday 1-3pm and all day Thursday. Tickets cost 4euro and 3euro if you are a member of any of the participating societies. You can also buy your ticket on the night at the door in Voodoo Lounge.
There is a free bus to Voodoo Lounge for the first 50 people. It leaves at 10pm from outside the Helix after the DCUTV screenings.
HOWEVER...If you wish to avail of the free bus available for a limited amount of people...you must have your ticket on the night.
Righteo, thats about it...hope to see ye there on Thursday night,
Howley, MPS PRO
"A possitive attitude will not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright-