hey, sorry to those this doesn't concern but you may want to take a look anyway. here are the crews for programme productions. Will teh producers of each cerw please contct your crew members (email numbers after their names) arrange to meet up, brainstorm, ask and answer any questions and meet with me at the end of next week. the roles are basically a guideline as you'll see they will overlap as you follow through the production but try to stick with what you're good at/interested in! i have assigned certain productions to certain crews but of course i'm open to change- the fictional piece is very much up in the air so you'll need to view some scripts and come up with a good idea. Sarah Neville - i've met with you, keep up the good work Yvette Poufong - your researcher has to be good at getting what she wants- we're looking for entry into pubs rememeber... Laura johnson - i have an awful lot of research for you already- peter linneman decided he'd like to 'expose' res but can't commit so i'l' have that for you at our meeting. attracta mooney, it's really up to yourselves what you want to expose, feature..
Everyone else i'll be in contact to see how you're getting on, but basically as i said, get together with your group and brainstorm, come up with ideas, feesability and then we'll see about getting started by week 9. that's all, any questions mail me!