Hey, You've prob read the email from Sinead so you know we are having meetings next week. The DCU TV meeting will be at 3 on Wednesday in cg12.
What we will be basically doing is throwing out ideas for programmes. Lorraine (Programmes officer) has a few ideas already so we will start organising crews. But i reallly need people to come up with their own ideas. If you have a script or anything bring it along. We are not restricted to Short films alone , we can more or less do anything, e.g, tv studio work, documentaries.
Also, you have any preferred roles: presenter, camera person. lighting etc, we will take note of this at the meeting and try to accomodate you when we begin our production.
I'll try to bring a couple of our programmes to show if I can, if not check out the website.
Email me if you have any queries or ideas. Thanx Niamh Mulcahy School of Communications DCUtv Station Manager